Online Video Discussion

5-30, varies, easy.png


Sharing and discussing a video as a group or using breakout rooms to watch different clips then discuss and report.

Why we like it

Everyone loves watching great content. Incorporate great video clips or source clips from your participants.

Process #1

1. Share a video with all participants in the main room. Zoom and other platforms allow screen sharing and sound. If unavailable, share video clip URLs in Chat for private viewing.
2. Hold a discussion about the video content. This could be in the main room, in breakout rooms, or through other features like Chat or polls.

Process #2

1. Source video clips from participants as part of prework. Review video clips in advance if needed.
2. Give screenshare control to select participants for video sharing, share the URL in chat for individual viewing.  Alternatively, the host may want to keep screenshare control and play the video through their own device and screenshare.
3. Hold a discussion about the video content. This could be in the main room, in breakout rooms, or through other features like Chat or polls.

Process #3

1. Assign different videos to different breakout rooms.
2. After watching the videos, groups create takeaways and lessons or answer questions from the video.
3. Group spokespeople return to the main room to share their findings.

Process #4

1. Post video clips or video URLs into Miro (a collaborative whiteboard) and they play on the Miro platform. Multiple clips can be uploaded and played on the same canvas, or different Miro URLs can be given to different groups.
2. Participants can type comments next to the video or answer other pre-written questions on the canvas.
3. Groups can share their findings and discussions as needed.

Daisy chain options

Use video content to kick off other projects. For example, an elevator pitch online could serve as the basis for participants creating their own pitches.

External links

Both Youtube and Vimeo  host great online content.  For business communication videos, check out TED and Mindtools.

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