Strong Impression

5-30, pair:small, intermediate.png


This feedback activity uses visuals and verbal feedback to boost motivation and create an online snapshot that participants can keep.

Why we like it

It’s quick, it’s simple, and it’s creative, plus it can incorporate deeper feedback after other activities.


1. Facilitator may want to discuss giving positive and constructive feedback.  At minimum, introduce key phrases participants will use:
“My strongest impression of you is…” (positive)
“I would like to see you…” (constructive)

2. In breakout rooms, participants evaluate each other (as co-workers, as fellow participants, or after a previous activity).  Using a collaborative whiteboard, participants answer the prompts by creating virtual sticky notes or other moveable text.

3. Choose a participant (the Receiver).  One by one, participants give verbal feedback to the Receiver and put their sticky note or text in the middle of the screen.  After everyone has completed feedback, the Receiver takes a screenshot of the final collaborative image.  Each Receiver can have their own section of the whiteboard, or final collaborative images can be erased to make room.

External links

Digital whiteboards: Board, Limnu, Miro, and Mural


See the original physical activity at Session Lab.

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