Best Year Ever

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Groups complete a storyboard or canvas about their team or company having the best year ever.  They present their final visual and best year ever concept to the other groups.

Why we like it

It’s collaborative, imaginative, and innovative.  Some ideas might spark real world action or initiatives, and the visual can be saved for later use or as a reminder.


1. The facilitator creates an online canvas for each group that includes the following sections:
-“Brainstorm” for documenting initial ideas
“Cover” tells the big future idea
-“Headlines” convey the substance idea
-“Sidebars” reveal interesting facets of the idea
“Quotes” can be from anyone as long as they’re related to the idea
-“Images” for posting images, drawings, or uploads of the idea

2. Groups receive instructions and timings.  Give an example if needed.  Groups receive their specific canvas link or file sharing.

3. Groups work on their own. 30-45 minutes is enough time if they are familiar with the virtual tools.

4. Groups return to the main room and present their Best Year Ever.  Alternatively, groups can visit each breakout room in world café style.

Alternative options

This collaborative canvas activity can be adapted to other content.  For example, groups could complete sections based on historical research and past events. 

Daisy chain options

a) Build in presentation, storytelling, and delivery skills.
b) Extend this project in innovation programs by selecting specific ideas for further exploration and development.

Tech Tip

Below is an example of a canvas on Miro.  This type of canvas can be quickly created, duplicated, and saved.  Individual links can be sent to each group for their own canvas, and participants can join without signing up or logging in.  Alternatively, groups in breakout rooms could screenshare an image or PDF and annotate over the canvas.

Miro Best Year Ever.png

External links

Digital whiteboards: Board, Limnu, Miro, and Mural


See the original activity “Cover Story” on Session Lab.

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Strong Impression