Cross The Field

10-20, small:medium, easy.png


Using a shared whiteboard, participants move a personal marker or token to the other side of the virtual field as a visual indication they would reply “yes” to specific statements.

Why we like it

This activity is a good ice breaker and gets participants familiar with tech used later in the session.


1. Facilitator prepares a shared whiteboard and the playing field.  The field contains a circle with “chairs” for each participant except one.  There is one “chair” in the middle alone.  Example: In a group of 10 participants, there are 9 chairs in a circle and a 10th chair in the middle.

Tech tip: Miro is an editable whiteboard that has sticky notes and shapes which participants can claim as their marker or token.  Other shared whiteboards allow the user’s mouse click to display their name.  Here’s an example Miro layout where sticky notes can be edited with names and moved in real time by participants:

Miro cross the field.png

One participant goes to the middle of the field.  They ask a question they can say “yes” to and is true about themselves.  For example:  “Have you ever been to London?” 

3. All participants who answer “Yes” move across the field to a “chair” that has become empty.  The participant in the middle also moves, leaving one new participant in the middle.

4. Rounds continue as needed for time or participation.

Daisy chain options

a) If using Miro or another collaborative tool, allow participants to write or use other formatting tools during their turn such as typing their question in a specific area.  This allows them to experiment and practice with the tools.

b) Extend this activity to longer sharing sessions.  If the question is “Have you been to London?” participants can share a story or example about London.

External links

Digital whiteboards: Board, Limnu, Miro, and Mural


See Session Lab for the original activity using physical space and movement.

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Strong Impression


Virtual Bingo