Video Check-in

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Participants check-in after the session with video content and follow up discussions

Why we like it

Videos are a great way to update the facilitator and fellow participants on progress while recreating the visual connections and communication channels from the program.


1. Participants create and share a video with the other session participants on a video hosting site. Videos could communicate skill-based content including updates on skills progress, how they are being applied at work, live recordings of their skills in action, etc.
2. Participants watch others’ videos and provide feedback, comments, and questions. Consider assigning specific videos to participants if needed. Previous breakout room groups work well.
3. Repeat videos and check-ins as desired.

Daisy chain options

a) Work with managers to review videos and give feedback to participants. It’s also a great way for managers to see virtual training success.
b) If appropriate, hone video and editing skills with participants to create videos suitable for in-house company sharing or social media.


Live session check-ins are more fun but require more schedule coordination.

External links

Video hosting sites
YouTube and Vimeo: Edit privacy settings to keep links secure
Prezi Video: Free accounts allow recording through browser but saved in public viewing. Paid accounts allow desktop app, private saving, and more templates.
VideoAsk: Free and paid accounts. Videos have interactive reply options beyond simple comments: Video replies, polls, etc.

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