Platform Quiz

5-15, unlimited, easy.png


An interactive quiz to get participants familiar with the platform you’re using or to review the platform features they’ve seen.

Why we like it

An alternative to passive platform and tech demonstrations. Promotes conversation and/or the platform tools used during the session.
Clarifies tech functions and processes.


1. Prepare quiz questions about the platform you’re using (Zoom, Webex, etc.) and other tech tools you plan to use.
2. Deliver the quiz during the session introduction in any format which fits you time, group size, and platform options: Spoken, poll, measured quiz, etc.
3. Provide feedback, clarifications, and tech examples as needed.


For groups or individual participants familiar with the platform and tech tools used, give facilitation control to individuals who can give live demonstrations.  For group competitions, assign breakout rooms for private quiz discussions and answers.

External links and provide competitive quiz options including timers and leaderboards. Content can be delivered while groups are in breakout rooms.

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