Guest Facilitator

5-30, individual, advanced.png


Give facilitator roles to a participant to build communication, platform, and tech skills.

Why we like it

It’s great to put participants in the driver’s seat especially if they will need to facilitate or moderate groups in other sessions. It’s also nice for facilitators to be in the passenger’s seat to see things as a learner or observer.


1. Choose a participant to lead a discussion or activity using platform controls and tech tools.
2. Guide the guest participant or offer assistance as needed.
3. Give feedback on the guest facilitator’s abilities (privately if appropriate) as well as the larger group’s activity.

Daisy chain options

a) In train the trainer or other advanced programs, allow guest facilitators to create content and modules as well as facilitate.
b) Make the guest facilitator role a reoccurring theme to rotate the experience.
c) Create breakout room facilitators entrusted with breakout room leadership.


a) Allow a facilitator and co-facilitator if needed especially if dealing with large groups. Just like large webinars or programs, co-facilitators may have specific roles like organizing questions and responding to people in the Chat box.
b) In beginner-level courses or with groups where full facilitator controls are not practical, allow facilitators to be moderators and guide discussions without using any platform or tech options.

Tech tips

When establishing the platform session, ensure your options allow you to make hosts and co-hosts and the specific permissions those roles have. For example, a host can allow guests to annotate screens if the function is turned on.

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