Random Word Poetry

5-10, unlimited, easy.png


Groups use a word bank of random word images to compile a short poem such as a haiku. For a competitive element, other groups can vote on the best poem.

Why we like it

This activity is quick and easy for participants to complete, and depending on the word bank, likely humorous. It’s also easy for the facilitator to set up once they gather the word image files.


1. Gather word image files or create your own. You can find free, legal word images on Pixabay. We recommend using image files instead of typed words that participants would need to retype or copy and paste. Image files can be moved around a whiteboard in the same fashion magnets can be moved around a fridge door (you may have seen word poetry magnets before).

2. Create a word bank on an online whiteboard such as Miro or Mural. Create instructions for the participants to follow. Here’s our example:

Random Word Poetry.png

3. Give verbal instructions to the participants. Include any limitations like number of words required, if poetry needs to rhyme, etc. Show them a completed example.

Note: If you require rules like rhyming, ensure you have enough diverse words in the word bank. If every groups’ poetry ends with similar rhymes, the activity can get stale quickly.

4. Set teams free into breakout rooms to begin arranging their word poetry.

5. In the main room, allow groups to share their poetry. Including voting if desired. Debrief the experience as needed. 

Daisy chain options

If you are using research material or business articles, considering gathering the word bank from the article or allowing participants to create their own word images from the material. This can also allow completed poetry to follow ideas and data from the material. 

Share using the icons below or direct link to this activity: https://knowmium.com/tools/2021/3/11/random-word-poetry