Social Media Scavenger

5-10, individual, easy.png


Participants find other participants’ LinkedIn profiles (or other social media) and search for specific information to relay during program icebreakers.

Why we like it

Scavenger hunts are always fun and this version gets participants learning about each other and raising awareness of their online image.


1. Give participants a list of information or items to find in other participants’ social media.  Recommendation: Give specific profiles or websites as well as any restrictions (Example: LinkedIn allowed, Instagram barred).

The items could be common items often found on LinkedIn or the facilitator could sort through profiles in advance and create extremely specific items.  Recommendation: Make items worth various points depending on how common or rare they are (rare items = more points).

2. Participants search on others’ profiles and submit their findings and points within a given time period.

3. During icebreaking activities, participants discuss the items they found and which profiles they came from.  Profile owners can expand on their LinkedIn accomplishments.  Recommendation: Allow results to be shown with profile screenshots and highlights.

Daisy chain options

a) In personal branding or similar programs, profile review can be linked to social media best practices and compared to industry leaders’ profiles.
b) Screenshots (if used) can be used in before-and-after profile improvement activities.


a) This activity can use small groups searching as a team for combined points.
b) This activity can go beyond LinkedIn profiles and use company/organization profiles/websites, LinkedIn discussion groups, and other relevant social media.  

External links

DropBox allows group file storage (free)
DropEvent allows group photo sharing with unlimited storage (paid)

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