Role Play

Varies, 2-5, Varies.png


A virtual version of the role play simulations usually run in person.

Why we like it

Bring in content from existing in-person sessions and run them virtually.


1. Distribute digital versions of role play simulations and assignments. Many role plays contain hidden information and/or specific instructions for select participants, so ensure that participants will access only the specific information you want them to have. Be careful when using Chat to share files as all participants may be able to access them.

Tech notes:  In Zoom breakout rooms, only the members of the breakout room can access chats sent within their specific breakout room. If you don’t want to use an outside platform or email, you could distribute people into a planning breakout room specific to their roles. For example, in a sales role play, you might have “Buyer” and “Seller.” Put all Buyers in a breakout room, join their room, and use Chat to distribute their material and brief them. Do the same for all Sellers. Create new breakout rooms to pair Buyers and Sellers for their role play.

2. Send participants to breakout rooms to perform the role play and complete any assignments given (such as answering discussion questions, writing findings on a collaborative whiteboard, etc.).

3. End breakout rooms and debrief/discuss in the main room.

Daisy chain options

a) If a main room debrief is needed before a 2nd round of role play, keep the same breakout rooms active.
b) If you want participants to switch partners, create new breakout rooms after the first round of role play.
c) Incorporate transcription software to save or analyze the role play.
d) Create video recordings to save or analyze the role play.
e) Fish Bowl: Find successful or confident role players and pair them up for an additional round in the main room for analysis and discussion.
f) Consider adding other roles for small groups such as:
-i) Evaluator: Completes an online form and/or gives verbal feedback after the role play
-ii) Reporter: Reports findings or summary (possibilities: in the main room, via shared whiteboard, complete online form, etc.).
-iii) Timer: Keeps role plays and discussions on time


Any activity that involves roles or scripts can use this format. Multi-participant role plays and collaboration simulations work well.

External links


Transcription tools

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