Breakout Rooms Overview

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An overview of breakout rooms and possibilities to give better understanding of how breakout rooms function in other activities.

Why we like it

Breakout rooms recreate the small group teams or pairs you use during in-person training. They allow private, separate discussion and activities allowing for increased participant interaction and discussion in virtual sessions.


Many virtual platforms use breakout rooms. Ones that don’t: Skype for Business and Webex Meetings. Most companies using Skype likely have MS Teams, so other sessions or private groups can be organized that serve as breakout rooms. Webex offers Webex Training for breakout room options.


Most platforms have a similar process:
1. Determine the number of rooms and participants per room.
2. Create the rooms.
3. Assign specific participants to specific rooms if needed.
4. Ensure participants have full instructions and time limits before going to rooms.
5. Most platforms allow the facilitator to visit breakout rooms to check in and help participants.
6. Keep the same rooms for multiple breakout sessions or re-create breakout rooms later and/or move participants around as needed.

Zoom-specific tips

a) Zoom allows breakout rooms creation before the meeting starts if you have the emails of participants.
b) While in breakout rooms, participants can access previous chats in the chat box. This is a great place to add breakout room instructions.
c) However, while in breakout rooms, participants cannot chat outside their breakout room including with the meeting facilitator (unless the facilitator is in the breakout room at the same time).
d) The facilitator can broadcast messages to all breakout rooms and participants, but this is only one-way communication.
e) Due to lack of two communication, the facilitator may want to organize a backup form of communication with participants for questions or problems. Examples: Private messaging, emails, or 3rd party whiteboard such as Miro or Mural.
f) Participants can leave the breakout room and return to the main room, but the facilitator might be in another breakout room.

External links

Zoom Breakout Rooms
Digital whiteboards: Board, Limnu, Miro, and Mural

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