So What? Now What?

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A great closing activity involving individual, breakout room, and full room review of program concepts and action plans.

Why we like it

This activity hits many points: review, discussion, group implementation, and individual action plans. Can be used after a single activity or as a program closing activity.


1. Individuals reflect for 1 minute on WHAT happened (actions, processes, observations, etc.).
2. Form breakout rooms and discuss WHAT happened for 2-7 minutes. Notes can be taken by a group spokesperson or on a shared whiteboard.
3. Back in the main room, group spokespersons share findings.

4. Individuals reflect for 1 minute on SO WHAT (why the WHAT is important, what patterns or conclusions emerged, what hypotheses can be made).
5. Form breakout rooms and discuss SO WHAT happened for 2-7 minutes. Notes can be taken by a group spokesperson or on a shared whiteboard.
6. Back in the main room, group spokespersons share findings.

7. Individuals reflect for 1 minute on NOW WHAT (what actions are best, how individuals or groups can implement the learnings and skills).
8. Form breakout rooms and discuss NOW WHAT happened for 2-7 minutes. Notes can be taken by a group spokesperson or on a shared whiteboard.
9. Back in the main room, group spokespersons share findings.

External Links

Digital whiteboards: Board, Limnu, Miro, and Mural


See Liberating Structures for the original activity.

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Video Introduction