Prototyping Improv

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Physical actions and real-life interactions are played out live for others to watch. Use participants’ live video and physical props to create a virtual stage.

Why we like it

This physical role play activity focuses on processes, performance, and feedback.


1. Secure a performer. Consider arranging in advance to ensure proper camera, stage area, and props.
2. Explain the activity and expectations.
3. The performer (also works well if multiple participants are in the same location) performs a given task, process, or experience on video for the rest of the group to observe. Example performances: Sales demonstrations, trainer demonstrations, computer hardware set up, using equipment, etc.
4. After the performance, observers and facilitator give feedback on processes and performance.
5. Repeat with new performers as necessary.

Daisy chain options

a) Consider simultaneous rounds in breakout rooms.
b) Use online surveys or forms to gather feedback.
c) Videos can be recorded for personal or future review.

Tech tip

See our activity 2nd Camera Display for more camera arrangement tips.

External links

Individual and shared process planning: Trello and Miro’s built-in templates
Survey and forms: Google Forms and Typeform


See Liberating Structures for the original activity.

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