Shaping Your Path @ BlackRock
Our quick interactive survey link is always here: click here.
Breakout 1:
Quick self-intro: who are you, where are you dialing in from, what do you do at BlackRock, and one hobby you have?
Are you more discovery or delivery (task) focused in your daily work?
What’s an assumption that you’ve been rethinking lately? How/Why?
What new ideas/learnings have you put yourself in the path of in the last year? What do you want to learn more about next?
Who in your network challenges you to think differently?
Breakout 2:
Choose 1: Where did this value come from? What is a story/example of what it looks like to you?
To what degree do they show up at work? Can you give an example (may be the same as Q1)? What is the challenge in doing so?
Do you know if/how the way you perceive yourself differs from the way others perceive you? How could we create greater alignment?
What are your anti-values? Why?
Breakout 3:
What plan excites you most?
Which one feels draining?
Which plan place is safe and which is risky?
What do you notice as you reflect on & compare your dashboards?
How do your values show up in your plans?
How might you prototype or test out one of the experiences?
Where might you go to grow a network around these/learn more?
Breakout 4:
Who is one stakeholder you may want to share with?
What is one challenge/opportunity you see coming up in the year that may interest them? Why?
What shows that challenge/opportunity (examples you have seen)?
Bonus: Beyond basic feedback, what discovery goals might you have for your conversation? What are they up to you are curious about?