Moving Minds
Flash Techniques:
Follow-up: Questions for greater information. And what else, tell me more. How did they get there?
Listen & Label: What is the emotion/sentiment behind what is said?
Acknowledge/Agree: What about what they say can you validate?
Summarize: How do you understand their message? Use their words to explore.
Help: Invite them to problem solve. “Help me to help you.” Tag “the elephant in the room,” suggest options, and invite feedback.
Example 1: Robert & Nathan
So nice to meet you here. Mr. Assistant brand manager, Nathan. Yeah, Robert, the brand manager and what would you like to meet about today?
Robert just just wanted to get them at some time with you today just to talk about this new opportunity that's coming come up in in one of the one of the product one of the new one of the products so it's it's been bought So in my relationships offended that they say this a new This is some new technology that's been developed out there and it's really rancid, round, spray, spray, spray, spray product 4444. For for laundry I think it'd be fit fit well into goodwill into our consumer consumer brand consumer brand lines. I think what's exciting about this is it's brand new, it's brand new technology hasn't been used before and it the revenue opportunities is very, very high. It's up to 10 million $10 million per year. You know, and it fits well within my within my previous experience when I was at uni labor and some of the work that I've been doing in terms of product development here. In the last in last few months since I've left since I've left business business school, I think, you know, a couple of things that we need to really consider it here is that one. This is a new This is a new new technology. There's quite a few other competitors competitors looking at that. So we want to be quick on this and move moved to market. That's probably the that's probably the prime primary one. That's a pretty broad overview. So I'd like to hand it over to hand back to you and get your initial initial thoughts on it.
Well, yeah, the product sounds great. I've been hearing a lot about it and reading some of our company reports about it. And I know that you've, you've been really involved in that. You know, moving forward with this adventure. I would love to have you on on our team to be part of making this a reality for our company.
And Robert. How would you see me fitting into that into that into that chain?
Well, you've you've been so involved with finance in the past, I think having you in charge of overseeing finances, and you know, being an equal member on the team that I'm putting together would be a great opportunity.
And would you be would you be involved? Would you be involved in this, this team? Or would you be working on other projects and you'd be just letting this bonus team pull the project together?
Oh, well, I'm putting together the team to lead the team. And so it would, you know, we'd all have our different parts, we'd all be collaborating together but ultimately, I would be the the driver or the lead of the team.
Got it. Got it. Okay. And who do you think would lay the other What do you think they are the main pillars are within Within the within the project, and who do you think would be running running those? Those those pillars?
Excellent question I, I don't want to reveal too much, because I haven't notified some of the people. I'm talking with the board of directors about who we will actually have in some of these roles. But we do have the different roles, we will have our market analysis, finance, which is where I think you fit in excellently product design advertising, we might have, you know, one or two people, you know, come in to do a couple of extra side things with with the project, but I don't want to release any names yet because we're still finalizing that. No, I can't tell you in terms of finance that you are at the top of that list.
Great and it's great. It's great to hear because I think I've got no, I've got the right credentials, given sort of given what I've been doing for the company for the last few two Have Been here and you know, historically at you know, union labor, I think I've got the right, the rights, the right skills and certainly, certainly what we did I did during my MBA. So it's it's quite quite quite nicely in there. You know, I think I'll be very, very experienced at running this. And so just know that you're, you're pretty busy running a couple of other couple other big, big projects and you know, this is going to be a big project scope and we need to we need to execute it fairly fairly quickly. Is there any Is there any room here is there any room here for you, or on more than happy to more than happy to help out with some of the risks on the management on some of these other these other products on some of the other pillars in this in this project given given how busy you are giving you five With with dealing with the board and the other the other product lines. And so it gives certainly given my experience in finance, I really think the finance based piece will be I wouldn't say easy but I'd be within my comfort being my comfort zone there. And I think there's some quite good opportunities there for me to help late on these other on these other product lines over the other pillars of the project.
Example 2: Robert & Judy
Hi, Robert good have you to make the time. So as as I've discussed earlier, this project is very high value and and I just want to let you know that I'm extremely keen to lead this project. And with my detailed research on the the market segment and whatnot, I think I'm the person, I'm the right person to do it. I'm interested to hear your thoughts and and see where I can add value.
Thanks for visiting me or jumping on this call with me, Judy. So just to let you know where we are with this project, I've assembled the preliminary team and talked to a few of the different participants in our team. Some of them I haven't notified yet, but I think everybody is kind of arranged. And so we were definitely looking forward to your, your, your input with the market research that you've done, as well as the the finance experience that you have. So what I what I see for our team overall is that you would be heading up the finance aspect of everything, you can pretty much take the lead on that. And then in our group roundtable sessions will be you know, connecting on a weekly basis to, to get input from everybody, and the different market research that you have, with the market, this particular product will definitely be a valuable contribution to our, to our group work.
Great, Robert, I'm so I'm so pleased that, you know, I have a important role in this project. And and certainly finance is a is a very important to, to the success of the whole project. But I'm also i'm also keen, actually Robert to add further value in the other the other aspects of the, of the project, not just on the financial side, but but on the marketing, the framing of the advertisement, and on the production side, you know, I also have a lot of experience in running these other projects, and making sure you know, all that all goes to all goes to plan. So yeah, I know that you have you have some preliminary views of who will take up certain roles. I yeah, as I say, you know, I really, I really think this is something that I can tremendously add value, whether you would, you know, consider me having like a stronger input on on the overall scheme of things.
Honestly, you know, since we're getting a team of such, you know, highly capable of experienced people, including yourself, ideally, everybody's going to be, you know, working together not only as a group, but if you have specific insight into things like marketing, we definitely want you to, to have those conversations with with the, with our personnel that's in charge of marketing right now we're looking at Jimmy, Jimmy's going to be headed up the marketing side of things. So basically, anything that you want to add, everyone's got to have an open door. That's that's kind of the way I'm gonna run the team is is roundtable discussion where everyone's expected to contribute. But if you and Jimmy with marketing want to want to put your minds together, you're more than welcome to do that.
Yeah, sure, sure thing, I'm obviously you know, I'm, I have all these ideas, just I'm just worried that you know, whether whether in terms of the allocation of focus, you know, whether I can actually more, you know, be effective in putting in delivering, if all these ideas I have, if I have to go through you know, Jimmy or I certainly I'm more than willing to try, I just feel that I'll be more effective if I have an over overriding sort of overall view of the project of kind of and also being being the point person to to push all the various work streams along. I just feel that it is it will be more coordinated, and more effective. But I I'm just trying to think of you know how To make the whole process more effective, but I appreciate, I appreciate where you're coming from.
You know, I'm totally open to ideas. You know, we haven't assembled the entire team together yet. So I definitely appreciate hearing your insights. Is there anything specifically, you know, especially with your background in finance that you'd like to discuss today?
Yeah, man, I'm happy to run my ideas by you. I mean, I've got I've got it sort of set out in a in a business plan. And also, you know, which covers all the areas, I'm more than happy to go through it with you, if you you know, if once I've sent through my PowerPoints, so I mean, this, this will set it was set out strategically how i want i want to i envisage the whole project being run and how I'm going to deliver it.
So are you are you let me just clarify, in terms, are you speaking in terms of, you know, directing the finance side of things? how you'd like to jump on that aspect of the project?
Well, frankly, Robert, I'm, I'm very confident of my ability to deliver on the financial side. But I also want to share with you I actually have a wider roadmap for the product that I have, which covers not only just finance, but but with all the other work streams.