Good to Gravitas

  1. Why did you give yourself the score you gave?

  2. Which areas are easy? Which are hard?

  3. What makes it challenging to come across with presence?

  4. Who gives you feedback?

  1. How well do you know your stakeholders, not simply in terms of their title or position, but as people?

  2. How frequently do you engage with your stakeholders outside of formal meetings?

  3. How are you building your networks beyond your own organization?

  4. Who challenges you?

  • 1.What’s something you have been rethinking lately? How/Why? 

  • 2.What are you most curious about in your area?

  • 3.Why might your stakeholders want to know about it?

  • 4.What upcoming trends do you see impact your area? How do they connect to other pieces in CLSA?

  • Which are easy/which hard? Why?

  • What is a problem/topic/challenge within CLSA (internal or client facing) where you’d like to apply more strategic/critical thinking? Be detailed/specific.

  • What is your current process for analyzing it? Map the steps.

  • Level up: Think Enterprise. How does this connect to wider issues? Why will they care?

  • Contrast: Where are we in & out of consensus? What scale are we talking about?

  • Urgency: Why us/why now/why not before? What is the cost of doing nothing? (Here is where you can show a peek at your thinking)

  • Narrative Moments: Small examples OR analogies that represent the larger whole. Cautionary tales or bright spots.

  • Future-sight: What is next? Opportunities/obstacles. Why is this daring, but doable (FOMU)?