How to use the Manager's Guide:
The Manager Summary has 2 parts that will help guide future interactions with participants so they continue to use and improve the skills they learned.
1. The key points of the training session, what the participants learned, and why they matter : This brief overview paints a wide picture of the workshop content. It can be used as an introduction to the content or as a review. It is not a substitution for the training workshop or workshop materials, so if you have questions about it, check the detailed program materials or ask one of the helpful 1221 Consulting trainers.
2. A guide for future improvement which contains 4 sections:
- Things to look for: Employees learned and practiced new skills in the workshop that immediately improved their communication and performance. Like all new skills, these should be practiced over time and will become more natural over time. Look for these behaviors, communication tactics, and results in the participants’ duties and discussions at work.
- Coaching questions to use with participants: When discussing the workshop, skills learned, and how they are being implemented, ask some of these questions to participants. The questions will allow participants to reflect on their skills, analyze how the skills are used with their unique personalities and communication styles, and assist retention as participants explain answers to you and other people. Be creative and be personable by creating additional unique coaching questions.
- Future opportunities to give participants: Many workshop skills apply to everyday work and communication. Some skills are best applied in new or specialized situations. Challenge participants with some of these recommended projects and think of unique ones tailored to your organization. We grow through experience, so give participants chances to apply themselves in new or advanced situations.
- Resources for more information: 1221 Consulting has gathered excellent websites, tools, and publications to reinforce workshop skills, take skills to the next level, and make effective communication more efficient. If you can’t find what you are looking for in the resources, send 1221 Consulting an email and we’ll be happy to help you find what you need to succeed.
How to use the Booster Sessions:
1221 Consulting designed the post-program materials to help participants reflect on and further develop the skills from the training session. The materials are meant to be used by the participants in group sessions. While non-participants might enjoy and learn from post-program activities, these materials use ideas and skills from the training sessions.
The materials are broken up into modules. Each module covers specific session content. Each module contains 4 resources:
- A reading article related to the module content
- Group discussion questions and activities
- A presentation slide deck
- Slide deck presenter notes
Recommended steps for using post-program materials
- Form a group of workshop participants. To maximize discussion and individual contribution, teams of 3-6 are ideal. Set a convenient time and place to meet.
- Choose a group leader or pair of leaders. They will be in charge of running one module. Having different leaders for different modules is recommended.
- Distribute the module reading article if you’d like group members to read in advance. Alternatively, articles can be read during the meeting if desired.
- Distribute the group discussion questions and activities. Thinking about the questions in advance will lead to more productive sessions and more thoughtful answers. Many of the activities require prior research and planning, so be sure group members have adequate time.
- Have group leaders study the slides and the presenter notes. Later, they will present this information to the group and lead module discussions. Group leaders should create their own presentation using their own words and style of delivery. Trying to memorize the presenter notes is difficult and unnecessary, and reading the presenter notes verbatim will lead to a dull group session. Keep the content, create the style, and hone presentation skills.
- When it’s time for the group session, the leaders will facilitate the session and present the slide content. We recommend presenting the content with 2-way communication. Don’t let the leaders be the only talkers. Have all group members comment, question, and discuss their ideas. Incorporate the discussion questions throughout the presentation or at the end. The reading article can be used throughout the presentation and group discussion, or it can be a standalone conversation.
- Finally, run the module activity and be sure each group member has a chance to participate and contribute especially if they put in their valuable time to prepare.
INFLUENCE BOOSTER Sessions & Manager Guide
Please download the Manager's Guide from here: Manager's Guide
Remember: You also have access to the excellent resources and free mobile app at—
Module 1: Rationalizing & Asserting
MODULE 2: Inspiring & Bridging
MODULE 3: Storytelling & Listening
MODULE 4: Questions & Audience
Speak to Persuade BOOSTER Sessions & Manager Guide
Please download the Manager's Guide from here: Manager's Guide
Remember: You also have access to the excellent resources and free mobile app at—