Coaching & Feedback
Breakout 1
What did you bring to the team that you are proud of in 2021?
What did someone else bring that you appreciate?
Where have we improved on (from our checklist) in the last months?
What still needs work? Any suggestions?
Be intellectually curious and take initiative to present new ideas (8.8)
Build on areas that excited and motivate you by developing new ideas to support the teams goals (7.8)
**Demonstrate your passion by contributing at least one point/idea at team meetings (6.8)
**Regularly share presentations, white papers and other materials to support he teams goals while illustrating your deepening understanding of our business (5.8)
Include summary of key takeaways with implications
Organize/assign competitors/sources… capture in the repository
** publish something as part of weekly update… doesn’t have to be big, but just one paragraph of our insights. Start unstructured
Learn how to deliver better feedback (8.0)
***Steven to look at VU for existing courses, then evaluate Joshua supplement
Say/do ratio. Strive for 100% of commitments to be executed, notice provided or discussed to jointly reprioritize (7.8)
**Verbalize commitments with timelines.
**Define and deliver on commitment. Publish a weekly report, be comfortable to identifying delays & roadblocks and seek help to meet your deadlines (7.2)
Support/check in with each other through informal catchups 2/3x a week (7.8)
**15 minutes stand up 2x/week. Neerav to schedule
Define regular feedback check-in with your peers and leaders (i.e. monthly/quarterly) (7.6)
**Schedule regular feedback check ins. First one in December, min of 2… hit every team member once/quarter
Breakout 2
Why do you think you have this style?
How/when does it help/hinder?
How aware are you of when you are using it?
How often do you intentionally adjust your style?
Breakout 3
Breakout 4
Take 2 mins to think about the best coaching conversation you ever experienced as a manager or a report
What made the conversation great?
What are the qualities of a coaching conversation? What are the core skills?
Breakout 5
1.Goal: What do you want to achieve?
2.Reality: Where are you now? What is the current situation?
3.Obstacles: What stops you from achieving it? What is getting in the way?
4.Options: What do you already have to help? What else could you do?
5.Way forward: What practical actions do you need to take? When will you do it?
Breakout 6
•What do you want to achieve / what is the outcome you are looking for?
•What will that do for you?
•How will you know when you have what you want? (What will you be seeing, hearing, feeling?)
•Is this worth the time, effort and cost to you?
•What do you get out of your current state/situation that you’d like to keep?
•Is it aligned to who you are?
•Are you the owner of this goal?
Breakout 7
The AWE Question: And what else? Tell me more….
Focus: If you had to pick one of these to focus on, which one here would be the real challenge for you?
Rank: 1-10 Importance vs. Ability
Summarize: If I understand..... (reflect or reframe)
Label: It sounds like..... (feeling)
Specify: Can you give me an example? How do you know?
Relationship: Is there a relationship between X and Y?
Add/Remove: What is the cost of doing nothing? What success can you build on? When does it work?
Breakout 8
Download the Fillable PDF here (if you want): DOWNLOAD.
Please discuss with your partners:
What are your high/low areas? Why?
Why is delegation so critical for us & those we delegate to?
Are there areas where you need to ‘let go’ or delegate more?
What stops us from delegating more? What mistakes do you see?
Breakout 9
Try it on: Delegate— what exactly would you say?
Reason: Why them & why does it matter?
FOR THEM.Route: How to do it?
Resources: What is needed: skills (interpersonal & technical), authority?
Reinforcement: What support can you provide?
Results: When and what do you expect? Are there checkpoints along the way?
Replay: Ask a few direct questions—“What is your level of comfort with this task? What approach you would take to handle this assignment? Are there particular steps you’re uncertain about?”
Feedback: How did they do? What can you change? What questions do you still have?
Breakout 10
Please discuss with your partners:
When should we/when should we not give feedback?
What is the best feedback you ever received or gave? Why?
What is your balance of positive vs developmental feedback?
How can we give good/useful feedback?
Breakout 11
Try it on: Feedback
Open: No Sandwich, but ok to start positive/relation-oriented.
*Ask: Start by asking questions (sometimes): how do they see it?
*Request: Seek permission to share (maybe).
Situation: What is the context?
Behavior: What do you want to reinforce or correct. Stick to facts (descriptive), not judgements (evaluative— rude/bad).
Impact: Explain the cost of the behavior for them, the audience (if any) & the team. Avoid self serving.
Feedforward: Outline next steps. Keep it positive.
Replay: Check their understanding.
Feedback: How do they did? What can you change? What questions do you still have?