Collaborate to Great

Breakout 1: Roleplays— DO NOT CLICK YET PLEASE 🧐


Breakout 2

Please discuss with your partners:

  • Setting the Tone/Agenda: Did you share preferences or info first? Did all information get effectively shared?

  • Focus: What was your specific goal? How did you try to persuade each other? Did you share positive info on your non-preferred candidate?

  • Exploration: Were we criteria or position-focused to start?How much time did each person talk? Did we listen/question? Did we have plusses before pivots?

  • Groupthink: Did others use leadership or “loudership? Did we just anchor on first/loudest views? Did the meeting chair start with a view, or an invitation?

  • Capturing/Building Alignment: How well do you feel your group members understood your needs/point of view? How did we capture the conversation?

  • How does this relate back to how your collaboration work at CLP?


Breakout 3

Belief: A motivating sense of purpose and direction to what we are doing

  • Structure: A solid plan and clarity on the practicalities of how we work

  • Involvement: The right voices involved and getting the best out of each other

  • Progress: Effective decision making and momentum towards our goals

  • Care: Strong relationships, honest conversations and trust

What is your 20% solution?

  • What norm? Think bite-sized!

  • What does good look like? Build on bright spots.

  • Obstacles, and how do we remove them?

  • Motivating nudge: what will get us moving on this?

  • How can we create accountability?