Collaborate to Great

Breakout: Roleplays— DO NOT CLICK YET PLEASE 🧐

  1. If you are the Operations:

  2. If you are the Marketing:

  3. If you are the Sales:

  4. If you are the General Counsel:

  5. If you are the Human Resources:

  6. If you are the Meeting Chair:


  1. Setting the Tone/Agenda: Did you share preferences or info first? Did the meeting chair start with a view or an invitation?

  • Focus: What was your specific goal? Collab…or Co-op? Did you share positive info on your non-preferred candidate? Did all information get effectively shared? 

  • Exploration: Were we criteria or position focused at the start? How much time did each person talk? Did we listen/question? Did we have plusses before pivots?

  • Groupthink: Did others use leadership or “loudership”? Did we anchor on the first/loudest views? How open were you to change your mind?

  • Capturing/Building Alignment: How well do you feel your group members understood your needs/point of view? How did we capture the conversation?

  • How does this relate back to how your collaboration work at BlackRock?



  • Purpose & Value: What does their role do? How do they add value?

  • Concerns: What do they care about? What are their key challenges in 2023/2024?

  • Past & Future: What changes they have seen in the last few years… (trends, etc.)? What do they think will be the biggest changes in 3-5 years?

  • KPIs/Key projects: How are they evaluated? What are they currently working on?

  • Collab: How might you work together?