Coaching Culture
Breakout 1
Why did you choose this number?
What questions or challenges do you have?
What is coaching? Can you share a good example?
Breakout 2
Why do you think you have this style?
How/when does it help/hinder?
How aware are you of when you are using it?
How often do you intentionally adjust your style?
Breakout 3
Breakout 4
Take 2 mins to think about the best coaching conversation you ever experienced as a manager or a report
What made the conversation great?
What are the qualities of a coaching conversation? What are the core skills?
Breakout 5
1.Goal: What do you want to achieve?
2.Reality: Where are you now? What is the current situation?
3.Obstacles: What stops you from achieving it? What is getting in the way?
4.Options: What do you already have to help? What else could you do?
5.Way forward: What practical actions do you need to take? When will you do it?
Breakout 6
•What do you want to achieve / what is the outcome you are looking for?
•What will that do for you?
•How will you know when you have what you want? (What you be seeing, hearing, feeling?)
•Is this worth the time, effort and cost to you?
•What do you get out of your current state/situation that you’d like to keep?
•Is it aligned to who you are?
•Are you the owner of this goal?
Breakout 7
The AWE Question: And what else? Tell me more….
Focus: If you had to pick one of these to focus on, which one here would be the real challenge for you?
Rank: 1-10 Importance vs. Ability
Summarize: If I understand..... (reflect or reframe)
Label: It sounds like..... (feeling)
Specify: Can you give me an example? How do you know?
Relationship: Is there a relationship between X and Y?
Add/Remove: What is the cost of doing nothing? What success can you build on? When does it work?