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You should have already received the slides, bUt if not please let us know and we will send them over. Below we have our top resources on each of the key topics from our session:
Generally awesome books:
Articles related to our core topics:
Overall effective meetings: a great overall guide.
Meeting cost calculator: HBR’s calculator that gives you a clear sense just how much is wasted with bad meetings.
Project Aristotle (Google’s work on team dynamics and psychological safety): a great NYT overview of better meeting and team dynamics
Why your meetings stink: because they do, often.
Debates at meetings: get good dialogue going.
8 or less people: stop having giant meetings.
Overall guide: another good condensed overview.
Responding at a meeting and interjecting: how to get that voice share and disagree….politely.
Great templates: so many ideas for better meeting and decisions.