
  • Give yourself 1 point for each YES answer.

  • 1.The leader of my country is also a person of my racial group.

  • 2.When going shopping I can easily find clothes that fit my size and shape.

  • 3.In public I can show affection to the person that I am dating without fear of name calling or violence.

  • 4.When I go shopping I can be fairly certain that sales or security people will not follow me.

  • 5.Most of the religious and cultural holidays celebrated by my family are recognized with days off from work or school.

  • 6.When expressing my opinion I am not automatically assume to be a spokesperson of my race or gender.

  • 7.In my family it is seen as normal to obtain a college degree.

  • 8.If I am going out to dinner with my friends I do not worry if the building will be accessible to me.

  • 9.I can be certain that when I attend an event there will be people of my race there.

  • 10.When I strongly state my opinion people see it as assertive rather than aggressive.

  • 11.I can feel comfortable speaking about my culture without feeling that I will be judged.

  • 12.When filling out the forms for work/government I can easily identify with the box that I have to check.

  • 13.My professionalism is never questioned because of my age.

  • 14.I do not worry about walking alone at night.

  • 15.People assume that I was admitted to school or hired based upon my credentials rather than anything else.

  • 16.If questioned at immigration I can be sure that it has nothing to do with my race.

  • 17. I am able to file joint tax returns with my partner (if you had one)

  • 18 My university schooling was conducted in my first language.

  • 19. I am happy with how the media portrays my identity(s).

  • 20. I was never discouraged from an activity because of my identity(s).